Virtual Motivational Interviewing (MI) Community Practice & Coaching Group

What’s included

Virtual Connection

Attend our Virtual MI Community Practice Group on the 2nd and 4th Monday of Each month from 12:00-1:30 pm (12-12:30 is a one-time orientation for first-time attendees).

Gain Confidence through Practice

Motivational Interviewing competence and proficiency is known to improve with practice, and feedback from peers and subject matter experts.

Email: for more information or to inquire about this group. Or click on this link to register for the group.

Three minds are better than one.

Sandy Rivers, Lisa Ardner and Cheryl Martin

Motivational Interviewing updates

Attending the MI Coaching Group allows you access to the latest information and research in Motivational Interviewing by the MINT Members facilitating the Group. Our group members are Fred Hintz, Cheryl Martin, Sandra Rivers, and myself.

The MI Virtual Coaching and Practice Group is sponsored by the CNY Motivational Interviewing Learning Collaborative

Cheryl Martin & Fred Hintz

My Motivational Interviewing Mentors and Friends!

Testimonials from satisfied customers.


1-on-1 Coaching - Not accepting new clients


CNY Motivational Interviewing Collaborative (CNY MIC) - See what we're all about!